(608) 221-2332


Tax Changes for 2024

Tax Changes for 2024

The last quarter of the year is exciting and can also be a bit daunting. The weather is cooling, leaves are falling, the holidays are approaching. And then there are all the loose ends to tie up in our businesses that can feel a bit stressful or overwhelming. But what...

Client Feature: Sparkle Auto Body

Client Feature: Sparkle Auto Body

“Quality work ensures that every car goes back to its owner better than when it came to us.”  – Mark Quelle, Owner   In a world full of franchises and corporate entities, it can be tough for a ‘Mom and Pop’ small business to keep up.  Yet, that is not the case...

Onsite / Outsourced bookkeeping in Madison WI

Onsite / Outsourced bookkeeping in Madison WI

As a small business, one of the biggest challenges you face is maintaining the essence of who you are, and how you serve your community, while also staying competitive as an employer and keeping up on the endless stream of bookkeeping, accounting and tax related...

Why Did the IRS Reject My Tax Return?

Why Did the IRS Reject My Tax Return?

The IRS may reject your tax return for many reasons, and while it can be a scary situation, it is often something that can be easily resolved. Today we will cover a few of the major reasons why your return may be rejected, how you will be notified, what you should do, and steps to prevent this situation from happening in the future.  

Top 5 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Bookkeeping

Top 5 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Bookkeeping

Invoicing, paying bills, bank reconciliations, credit card reconciliations…bookkeeping. This data takes time to collect, process, and balance each month—time that could be spent on projects and tasks that move the needle in your business. Many may choose to keep bookkeeping in-house, taking money that could be spent on employees that would ultimately further the company’s mission.  

Tax Credit Updates: Save More on Green Home Improvements under the Inflation Reduction Act

Tax Credit Updates: Save More on Green Home Improvements under the Inflation Reduction Act

On August 16, 2022, President Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which expanded and extended two nonrefundable tax credits meant to encourage individuals to invest in energy efficiency improvements or clean energy in their homes. The IRA also proposes to lower energy costs, increase cleaner production, and reduce carbon emissions by approximately 40% by 2030. Today, we’re breaking down these two tax credits, how they are changing, and how they will affect you as a homeowner in 2023 and beyond.